Des is a no-nonsense Relationship Explorer & Guide who has taught thousands of individuals on how to sharpen their communication skills within their relationships. Having a background in business and public speaking, his approach to relationships is a very practical one with an emphasis on positive results.

His grounded approach appeals to both men and women and he sees more similarities between the sexes than differences. “I strongly trust that we do not need another reaffirmation of the erroneous belief that women and men are opposites in nature and that there’s a division between the sexes.

We are infinitely more similar than we are not and it’s time that we focus on the common humanity which we share and celebrate the new found awareness of the balance that’s growing between us.”

Through his writings and seminars, Des enjoys encouraging others to sharpen their communication skills within their intimate relationships and not settle for a relationship of mediocrity and boredom.

He believes that we need to raise the level of our expectations of experiencing deep satisfaction in our intimate relationships and be willing to put the time and effort required to create a depth of intimacy and fulfillment that few attain.

In Australia, he was a regular presenter on radio and television where he was known for his practical insights on how to create true intimacy, delivered with humor, compassion, and truth.

Des is the father of three daughters, one son and five grandchildren and he is deeply grateful for their presence in his life.

Des with his three beautiful daughters.

Three generations of Coroys.